Let's celebrate together this Festive Season!  Here's how we Argentinians do it.

Let's celebrate together this Festive Season! Here's how we Argentinians do it.

In Argentina we mostly celebrate Christmas Eve, known as "Nochebuena", with various traditions and customs. Here are some key aspects of our Argentinian Christmas Eve tradition:

  • Christmas Dinner (Cena de Nochebuena): Christmas Eve dinner is a crucial part of our celebration. Families come together for a festive meal, often featuring traditional Argentinian dishes. Roast meats, particularly beef, are popular choices. In addition to the main course, there are various side dishes, salads, and desserts. After the clock strikes midnight, we make a big toast and say Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas).
  • Exchanging Gifts: The tradition of exchanging gifts is an integral part of Christmas celebrations in Argentina. Families and friends often exchange presents at midnight, after Papa Noel (Santa) has visited our houses!
  • Decorations: Similar to other parts of the world, we decorate our homes with Christmas lights, ornaments and nativity scenes. In certain cities, you'll often find streets and plazas adorned with festive decorations.
  • Traditional Sweets: Navidad in Argentina is also associated with a variety of traditional sweets and desserts, such as Mantecol and turrón - a type of nougat - are commonly enjoyed during the holiday season.
  • Family Time: Above all, Christmas Eve is a time for family gatherings and spending quality time together. Families come together to share a festive meal, exchange gifts and enjoy each other's company.

On Christmas Day we gather again, and we share the leftovers from Christmas Eve. And of course, we kick off the day with our traditional Mate and some alfajores!


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